Ramblings of a Naked Chick

Well… I did a thing… After brain storming and blogging for almost two years, I had the crazy idea to write a book. Compiled a bunch of ideas, stories, tried to organize them into a theme, tossed in a ton of pictures, and tossed in an empowering spin, and here we go: “Ramblings of a Naked Chick – Shedding Clothes and Inhibition While Sharing My Journey into Naturism.” But let me put your mind at ease right off the start. If you were worried that me taking the time to write and self-publish a book meant I would take the time to ensure proper punctuation and remove all run on sentences, rest assured, the book is littered with them! But I actually proof read it three times and had Jay read it once – or so he says. So hopefully most of the spelling mistakes and really bad grammatical errors are removed. But I am also sure Jay hasn’t actually read the entire thing.

I was going to only make a digital copy just to say “I have written a book” but apparently having an actual softcover book (with color pictures) is relatively inexpensive if you do all the grunt work yourself. I guess that is why they call it self-publishing… It’s actually significantly cheaper to print a book than taking a digital copy to your local print shop to print black and white. The things I have learned. Amazon publishing services have been amazing – once I read the instructions – and really, the hardest part was waiting for the proof copies to come! I am so excited I don’t even have an official copy of my book myself! I only have the first two PROOF copies, and patiently waiting for my first copy to arrive this weekend!

It is still being uploaded across the Amazon stores world wide. The American site has the Kindle (US) and the Soft Cover (US) copy available! Canada and the other countries supported by Amazon are slowly updating and you can order the Kindle (CA) here and the Soft Cover (CA) here. For my friends over the pond the Kindle (UK) is here and Soft Cover (UK) here. This is actually an update on the blog post from launch day as only the States had the e-reader version available. I was just too excited to wait! I am also not sure why it can’t be searched yet, and only available via links, assume it has to do with the upload or adult content, something I will need to look into… In the mean time, I have created this landing page that shows all the Amazon country specific sites to purchase either version. Or both?

 I have to admit, it’s a very humbling experience having all of your thoughts and stories and experiences in print, sitting on your desk, staring back at you. Yes, I write a blog every week (well try to every week) and share some pretty embarrassing stories, but to have it all in print, bound in a cute little cover – and basically the last five years of your life just sitting there – it’s quite the feeling.

The first draft copy of the book has actually been sitting on my desk for a few weeks while I debated whether I wanted to go a head and actually publish it. And again, I use the term publish loosely. It’s self published via Amazon, but it is still my entire life, or at least a very important aspect of my life, bundled up in 212 pages. And it isn’t  even double spaced! Obviously, by you reading this post, and having this link available, I ultimately decided to go ahead and publish the book. There are a couple stories in there that are a bit more serious than I normally approach, and a few that are a bit more sensitive, and a couple that are down right embarrassing for my friends, that I wanted to “test the waters” before this got out.

No spoilers – but I wrote the book as a journey – and speak to my mindset, my own body confidence struggles, and the crazy concept of getting naked for fun and how it all came together to be one of the best experiences of my life. I speak to my journey into nakedness, and how it started with just Jay and I, and eventually evolved into social nudity with strangers through nude beaches and hot springs – and to how I quickly wanted to share this with all my friends, whenever I could. I even speak to broaching the subject with friends and family, and how it never goes as planned – but sometimes, that’s a good thing! I also go in to speak to best practices and suggestions on how you, or your significant other, can help along their own journey. And of course, I debate the theologies of Naturism versus Nudism, because it wouldn’t be me rambling without that.

I also totally understand my memoir won’t outsell Prince Harry’s book that released earlier this month. Maybe if I had daddy issues I could sell a few more copies. I feel he also makes more than $0.83 a copy… I think the news just said he sold 3.2 million copies in the first week. I have a self appointed goal of selling four copies. I even make a joke in the book that if I sell more than four copies, I would write a sequel about tips and tricks for aspiring nudists, because I only glance over this topic, and it is the one I get asked the most through my blog or social media. And I already have a title! But you will have to read and discover it yourself! And I have already presold a copy to Jay and my mom, so really only two copies away. I might also get a couple copies and sprinkle them through the thrift stores in the area – and just check back in to see if the copies get sold. Spread the word if you will.

You won’t see me in your local book store signing autographs. Not because I doubt it would be possible to get any book store to agree to a naked reading night, although now that I type that out, not a terrible idea – even if it isn’t my work being read… Ideas for later in 2023. But because these are just ramblings. My ramblings about my experiences, that I try and shape and evolve into a coachable moment to help others on their journey into nakedness. I even challenge the reader to read the book naked. Or as naked as they are comfortable depending on where they are in their journey. I also throw out a legal disclaimer that if you are one of the two other people that buy this book – don’t read it naked in a coffee shop or book store please – because I also speak multiple times to the importance of “comfort” around nudity. Both for you, and those around you.

Stay awesome. Stay safe. Stay Naked.


7 thoughts on “Ramblings of a Naked Chick

  1. Congratulations Rachel! During your journey to practicing, embracing and promoting naturism, you have been bold and brave (sometimes more readily than others to be sure). Self-publishing your book is totally in keeping with your progression. You are an inspiration. Keep living your best life!


    Liked by 2 people

  2. How freaking cool! Congrats!! Just ordered a copy, so count us in as -1 to go! Looking forward to the read (and sharing with other friends that may be on the fence). Thanks for doing this and best wishes with it!


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